Nicole Converts to The Church of Maradona

Nicole has arrived. I think she has shopped herself to death, and eaten all the steak she can handle. Next stop had to be the National Church of Buenos Aires... the Boca Juniors soccer stadium. It is a shrine to all things Maradona. All in all, the neighborhood of la Boca is a bit too touristy, but a fun afternoon nonetheless. We will watch some more tango tonight over dinner before celebrating Willi´s birthday. Tomorrow we fly to Iguazu Falls and hope that Miami survives Ernesto. Love to all.
Sorry to hear about your camera. :-( I'm enjoying your adventures tremendously. Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have something spectacular planned.
My love to you both, be safe. Hope to see you soon...
Happy B-day, Willie! I hope the villian that took your man-purse trips on the shoulder strap, breaks the camera, and, in the process, scrapes his elbow, thus tearing a hole in the wind breaker. And I hope your birthday is is peaceful and memorable.
Peace, Love, Happiness,
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