Sunset on the Andes

We´ve just returned from the market here in Salta in Northwestern Argetina. We stuffed ourselves with chicken, vegetable, and beef empanadas, hotdogs encased in pancake batter, regular hotdogs, and tamales. Oh yeah, and it cost us around $2. The vibe here is completely different from that of Peru/Bolivia/Chile. It feels very much like Western Europe, alah Italy or France. We enjoyed a ride up the town mountain in a gondola, of course, my eyes were closed most of the time. The Andes hang in the background of the city literally dividing us from the first half of our trip. Coming through them last night was a fun way to transition into the lowland weeks to come. After waiting three hours at Chilean customs for seemingly no reason we descended nearly 3000m in only a couple of hours. It was a series of nonstop switchbacks winding our way down the eastern slope of the Andes. Our ears popped over and over and we began to catch our breath for the first time in two weeks. We plan on heading to Cordoba tomorrow and possibly into Uruguay for a few days afterwards. We miss and love you all... I can´t wait for Nicole to arrive (Love you!!!).
SA Trekkers; The new pics are out of this world. Thanks. I would spend more time in Argentina's small towns rather than much in Uruguay, myself. Do you see the Spanish mission Roman Catholic churches with a park always in fronting block? Like San Marcos plan. Check dates on those and be amazed. Meal plan sounds so fantastic. Two dollar meals and two dollar rooms...with our dough and expected SS check, we could retire there and live like kings! I want to live like a king. Take notes and advise best spot. Glad you have breath back. Starting ca. 22 Aug best star gazing. You are lucky dudes. Peel it, cook it, or forget it. Marcia and Jim
Sounds so amazing! These photos are priceless and I can't wait to meet up with you! 10 days and counting!
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