Greetings from Chile!!!!

Wow!!!! So we made it. Just a quick run down so that all know that we are well. From Potosí we took a bus to Uyuni, hit a car that was passing along the edge of a ravine, continued on through bumpy southwest like landscapes. A bolivian 5 hour bus ride is actually 8 hours, so we arrived just after sunset, bought our tour and went to bed. The morning began with the world´s largest salt flats with the world´s greatest photographing spectacle i have ever seen. We then drove through incredible arrid mountain valleys and stopped at a small town, looked at mummies, lost a soccer game to three little niños for a coke had dinner and went to the gringo bar and danced until late. When we woke we drove for a few hours and then began one of the most beautiful continuous spectacles of geology we have ever seen. Red, yellow, and blue mountains. Rock formations that baffled the mind like Dali dropped puzzle pieces from the sky. Blue lakes, red lakes, pink flamingos, big rabbits, and desert valleys. Unbelievable!!!!! This morning we woke from a sub zero sleep to see geysers at 5000 m. (16000 ft.) and then to thermal springs and to the bolivian/chile border. Finally to the sunny (and warm) lowlands of chile!!! Tommorrow morning we head back east across the mountains to Salta, Argentina to relax with the Pampas Gouchos. Star gazers we have found scorpio, the southern cross, and cancer. As the night sky has been emaculate. Spanish is getting better. Probably take a rest in Argentina since we have spent the last three days cooped up in a toyota landcruiser with 8 people, bouncing on washboards as tight as mine and eric´s stomachs, haha. Very rough riding though and very cold at night. Anyway, pics to come, just wanted to say hello and we love you, we are safe.
Hey guys - Hope you're staying warm. I heard it was chilly in Chile :) Tina
SA Trekkers; Your descriptions continue to fulfill our need. We shall wait for photos. Did you know that you are in a hotbed of flamingodom? Flamingoes like saline lakes because no or few fish to compete for crustaceans. I hear that flamingoes are pink because of the shrimp (and I suppose other crustaceans) they eat. Can’t confirm that. What do you think, now that you are among ‘um? Tell us about gauchos, empanatas, crème de dulce de leche, mate (matte?), chicken hearts on a sword, and anything you see, smell or hear. Do you believe a fella can determine the wellbeing of a society by observing one of their dogs? How are the dogs? We keep you in our prayers. Cook it, peel it or forget it. Dad Jim
Hey guys,
sounds like you two are having an incredible time. Wish i was down there on that damn trip. Enjoy the rest of South America, there is truly a bunch to see down there.
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