Well, we have survived the initial anxious energies and tribulation of the opening moments of our adventure. We flew all night long to Lima and had a very short layover at four thirty in the morning. Eric will have to tell you about the wonderful flight from Lima to Cusco because, well I slept the whole way (One hour). We arrived here in Cusco early in the morning before the hustle and bustle. Magnificent blue skies, rugged brown mountains tower above our colonial indigenous collage. Llamas walking the streets behind bowler capped women draped in traditional panchos. By now the city is alive and well however, and everyone is ready to offer you information, or a tour, or a toy. The altitude is,....... well it is very high. 12000 ft. from sea level in about an hour. Amazing, your skin tingles, your head kind of floats and Eric and I can only muster a slow slosh of a walk. Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know that we are here and full of energy. Picture may come slowly as we haven´t found a computer able to take on our USB. Alas, all we have are words. No worries, between the two of us that will probably suffice, haha. We send our love.
SA Trekkers; Very glad you are safely in Cusco. You have a rare and wonderful experience immediately ahead of you. Take it slow and easy. Your words provided the pics. We look forward to much more.Thanks. God bless the trekkers! Cook it, peel it or forget it. Dad
SA Trekkers; Andean region is hugely rich in variants on our tomato (Peru big), white Irish potato (Peru big) and their kin (center of origin/center of genetic diversity…we’ll talk later on that). Don’t miss a chance at market to see, photograph and taste strange, unimproved relatives. See purple potato. Also chances at eggplant and pepper (chili…not black ground). All plants mentioned are Solanaceae. Look too for same of beans (Leguminosae). Wonder LIMA bean? Duh! We want descriptions of smells…street smells, village cooking smells. Too, what sounds are different from The Grove? Tell us. Peel it, cook it, or forget it. Dad
I will be moving to the the greater Santiago area 28 August. Will you still be in the regoion? Your magnificent blog should represent your findings well. I have no job, a one way ticket , and humble finances. Sort of winging it. Cassady has some good prospects and TEFL Certicicate in hand. Hope to meet up. Otherwise keep your shit in a sock.
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